segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2009

English in a new world language order

Well... first of all, sorry everybody... I was travelling and I completely forgot it.. I promess that it will never happen again...
Yet, concerning the article by Gimenez, I unfortunatelly and truely believe that the majority of the schools (by this I mean teachers, students and community) is not well prepared to accept English as an intenational language/lingua franca. I hope we can cope with this when we graduate hence we will be part of this huge and difficult-to-change educational system.
What about you?

13 comentários:

  1. Anônimo disse...
    What i think is more interesting in the text:
    "English in a new world langlege onrder" is the difference between in english like a foreing language and a lingua franca.
    I believe that in this moment english really is a lingua franca, it is enough to see how many important is to including business, travel, all using english to comunicate. And another point is about the learning, when the students prefers native-speaker to have classes, believing that them learning will be better.
    Ass.: Miréria

    12 de Abril de 2009 16:54

  2. Some people say that english must be seen as foreign language and that it is possibly a way of union between continents. I agree that the status that the language acquired has to do with globalization, and that it changed the way people see the teaching of the language. On the other hand, I disagree when the author states that english nowadays is only a tool for comunication and is no longer necessary to teach cultural aspects or grammar.

    Postado por Andressa no achievements em 4/10/2009 02:15:00 PM

  3. You don't mention ERsperanto, a candidate for the role of neutral international language.

    Take a look at

  4. Sorry, I meant !

  5. The learning of the English as the "first foreign language" in some countries show the importance and investment that is given for this idiom in the last few years. Speak English are considered a indispensable quality if you want to follow a globalization world.

  6. The author says that "Where goverments fail markets may prosper". Unfortunately, this is real for us. In Brazil, we have a poor educational system. As a teacher, we must be aware to focus our attention to the citizens that we want to "create". I agree with Andressa that culture and grammar are very important tools.

  7. The attempt of use of English as a lingua franca is one of the factors of the process called globalization, and this is an important element, because its use as a global language creates resentment especially between non-speakers of English, where the hegemonic use of language is seen as a penetration of other cultures. However, it is essential that teachers understand the language and reflect on ways and consequences to teach it.

    by Dirceu Carneiro
    12 de Abril de 2009 23:23

  8. I agree with Maria that our schools are not well prepared to accept English as an intenational language/lingua franca, but I believe that they'll have to be prepared in a few time because we can't deny that English doesn't belong to native speakers only anymore, and as the article says in page 125, those countries or schools that not opting for learning English probably will be excluded from participation at global level. Learning english isn't just a tool of communication between NNs an Ns. Learning english today is to be part of the world and its development.

  9. The most interesting point, as Telma quotes Graddol, is: “success is no longer measured by native speakers’ proficiency but By what people can do with the language”.
    In my opinion he means that, people who master the language not necessarily know how to use it.
    Because English is considered everyone’s language, you have to know using it in specific areas or situations.

  10. The predominance of certain foreing language is related to the need of a society. This is what we call hierarchy which is related to status. Today the economic context is what really matters. Barriers have broken among nations and English is the language that intermediates this relation.


  11. Foreign language or global communication

    English should be taught nowadays as an international language because it is being used in the whole world to meet people and specially to do bussiness. Everyone needs to know that exist a variety of English, different "Englishes" but in relation to teaching English it has to based on native speakers English.
    Almost everybody wants to learn English, to make friend, to do bussiness or enrich their lives with othe cultures. And existing a lot of English one thing needs to remain the same, to use in the learning process the native speakers English.There´s no reason to study English language as it belonged to everyone, it belongs to the native speakers and language will be foreign language to non- native speakers, even when they can speak well and inteligibility it is the aim of a person who is learning a foreign language or at least should be.
    Culture the culture of native speakers need to be together with this learning, it doesn´t mean that others cultures cannot be taught actually should be because it can amplify the vision of pleople that even speaking the same language we have different cultures, differentes ways of seeing life, and culture are their identity.

    Maria Elisabete

  12. English as a new world language order

    At this point, there is an ambivalence: English as foreign language versus English as a lingua franca. As a lingua franca, there is a necessity to adopt internationally a Standard English, a variety of the language that will be used for communication. But the problem is what the most appropriate variety to choose between many different countries speaking this language with many different cultural aspects and which parameters to follow to teach the language to the non-native speakers. On the other hand, a foreign language is faced as a hegemonic fact that native speakers are on the top and who doesn’t dominate it, will suffer in the market and business. Learning and teaching English nowadays are reflecting the demands of the globalization and the amount of speakers of this language is rising in the entire world: many companies and even countries are adopting English as a second language to communicate between them. In fact, to the modern world will be necessary changes in political and educational programs in order to avoid exclusion in the society.

    Elaine C.

  13. As Maria and Rome said, I think we are not prepared to teach and learn english as a lingua franca, we yet don't see the different englishes mentioned by Gimenez in her text. We yet think just in british or american english. We don't know the other varieties that the language has in each country it is spoken. Is difficult to choose a standart, because we know that each country has its own accent and its own view of the language. And about culture, I think is very important to teach it, because the language didn't appeared of nowhere, it has its origin and its nation, we cannot deny it.
